Versatile Blogger Award

I was nominated for the "Versatile Blogger Award" in the category of POET &  WRITER. I am truly humbled by this nomination and thank Art Doris for the nomination.
Truly honoured Doris. As a fellow writer and photographer you have truly inspired me during my time
on twitter and find you most inspirational in our 'Timeline'. I duly wish Rich Weatherly a big thank you
for steering me in the right direction. I'm a real novice here, thus needing a pro...


The areas I most embrace and believe in are not only on a personal level, but also for mankind

I aspire to be the best in my ability to become a non fictional writer, with zest and integrity

Spirituality ~ for myself and those who share it

Honesty and loyalty are virtues I admire 

Solitude is a big one for me, and the maintaining of peace and love is essential

My haiku poetry is getting better as I practice: Please read my haiku on my post: Perhaps a comment

With my health being poor. I need to pluck up the courage to write about it more often,

so as I may help others who are in my situation. Give me a chance.....

15 blogs I admire:

1.Shashi  POETRY & HAIKU

2.The Urban Hippie  PHOTOGRAPHY

What Would You Say - What would you say if you knew that I loved you Would you invite me always to walk by your side Or…POETRY
“Seers & Sages” Compiled by Hasan Askari / David Bowen  SPIRITUALITY
6. FIGHTING CHANCE – The Ethical Barbs of Fishing  WRITER
Namaste: Greetings from the Soul  SPIRITUALITY
8. Abandonment - sparse not white hollow no echo vast humming the soundless...POETRY & HAIKU 
9. Inner peace - * * *Is it me?* *reflecting into your silence-* *is it you?*  WRITER

10.Communicating with Spirits
11.What is a medium? - The concept of mediumship elicits mixed responses....PSYCHIC MEDIUM

- "The Secret of the Universe"-YouTube Video... HIGHER CONSCIENCE COACH

13.Versed for Life:
14. Lesism - By Les Floyd  WRITER

15. Devin Waugh ~ HAIKU ~ PHOTOGRAPHY